
...a male & female point of view...We are two former coworkers who share similar ideas on what's absurd...or just plain funny...thought we could offer a unique view on life & stuff...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005



Look here for a surprise...

What do you think? Heart shaped...cool, huh?
That’s the way they should be, am I right? (I think I am).

BTW, that’s not me. I’d never wear such a gaudy necklace.
That’s my friend Jane, showing off my friend Pat’s jewelry designs.
(Sorry about the gaudy crack, Pat...it’s just not my style).

I know you’re wondering why...oh why, expose your beautiful
(fake? I don’t know...she won’t tell me) boobies...
when you’re trying to sell jewelry?

I can only answer that by saying, Jane does things like this all the time.
Last week, a cop pulled her over for speeding, yep, you guessed it...
one flash of her heart shaped nipples & her impending ticket turned instantly
into an invitation to dinner. She freely flashes ‘em to get into clubs
(girls with heart shaped nipples never pay cover charges either).
Hell, she sometimes even flashes young waiters in lieuuuu of a tip.

I'm not saying that I don't have some heart shaped parts of my body...
I'm just saying that I am a bit more discriminating with the bursts
of flashing (I mean really...I'd take the ticket...but if he was offering a car...
or impressively large jewels...who knows?)...that's all I'm saying.

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