
...a male & female point of view...We are two former coworkers who share similar ideas on what's absurd...or just plain funny...thought we could offer a unique view on life & stuff...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005



So...yeah...after hearing my perfect niece cry to me about her fears of
being fat...I started thinking...(I'd be thought free otherwise).

Do you know any woman who does not have issues with her body & how
she views it? I can't think of anyone I know who's perfectly happy with
the way she looks. Are men this way too? I don't mean that women are
vain...but we tend to be slightly fucked up when it comes to seeing
ourselves & being happy with what we see.

Sure, I'd love to be taller, with
longer legs & a smaller butt...some of those things I can change
through determination & sweat...(ok, the only changeable thing I've listed
there is the butt thing...but you get the point).

I remember being in high school & weighing a whopping 100 pounds.
When I looked in the mirror, I saw a short, fat girl with an awesomely killer
personality (& bodacious taste in shoes)...really...that's what I saw.
I weigh more than that now...but never ask a woman her weight...really...
don't do it...you might get bitch-slapped if you do (you can't say you haven't been warned).

I feel better about my body now, even at a higher weight.
Do you get wiser as you get older...or do you just get more comfortable with yourself?

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