
...a male & female point of view...We are two former coworkers who share similar ideas on what's absurd...or just plain funny...thought we could offer a unique view on life & stuff...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Happy, Happy

(I took a pic of the sign my niece made by the kid's table...it just kills me.)

I hope everyone had a good holiday. I've decided to only tell you the good parts of mine...I'm leaving the STRESS (I did it to myself this year?!), the nasty comments & the rudeness out. Why would I do such a thing...when all of those things make for the best stories later? I have no clue...but consider it all done in the Christmas spirit, k?

There was lots of visiting to be done, lots of presents to give & receive, lots of hugs & kisses. My niece gave me a charm bracelet that she made (it has a million charms & each one means something...she told me about ALL of them). It touched me that she gave me a present at all...to have a child "get it" & know what it all means & what matters...at such a young age makes me get all weepy...but I'm done now (yeah, right)...I'm wearing the bracelet now & every time I type, it brushes the keyboard & makes a noise...but I'm still not taking it off.

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