
...a male & female point of view...We are two former coworkers who share similar ideas on what's absurd...or just plain funny...thought we could offer a unique view on life & stuff...

Monday, March 28, 2005



A little before Dick locked his keys in his car on Saturday, I sent him
a text message. Something innocent like “Happy Easter & happy birthday
to your son”. I was driving alone in my car & got no immediate response
from Dick & I was bored. I started thinking of the little treat I had just ordered
for myself (it was highly recommended to me...so I had to have it).
I was hoping it would be on my doorstep when I got home. Just the thought
of it made me tingle. How could a little piece of plastic do so much?
I wondered. I began making a mental list of all the possible uses I could have
for the “sexy little package” (that’s what they called it in the ad). I was curious
as to what “sensual metallic lilac” actually looked like. What do “flicker
ticklers” do..what don’t they do? All the possibilities were swirling through my
head as I was doing 80 down the highway.

Then, the phone ran. It was Dick. He was in a toy store looking for a gift
for his son. I told him that he was catching me in the middle of some erotic
mind stimulation (honesty IS the best policy, no?...but that's not exactly
how I put it). I don’t think he believed me...’cause he continued to ask
for advice on what do get his son.

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